Obrazová kniha pro děti 2017
Vítězové letošní soutěže jsou:
Jakub Hrdlička: Průvodce
Mariana Tutschová: Levou zadní
David Dolenský & Lukáš Csicsely: Čmuk
Vítězům bude udělen nadační příspěvek 100000 Kč každému a to formou stipendia.
Členové poroty:
Steven Guarnaccia
Øyvind Torseter
Cesar Fernandez Arias
Delphine la Sardine
Pavel Kořínek
Porota oznámila své rozhodnutí dne 29. 9. během knižního festivalu Tabook. Zprávu poroty přednesl Steven Guarnaccia:
Průvodce/ Jakub Hrdlička
The jury felt that Průvodce, by Jakub Hrdliška, despite its lack of a completed narrative, conveys a strongly personal, believable and fully-imagined visual world. We trust the artist’s intimate knowledge and commitment to this story of an ancient library, with its hidden worlds awaiting discovery. The jurors praised the beautiful pencil line drawings. The energetic drawings have the feeling of a found sketchbook. Many of the sketches feel like finished images in themselves, and it will be interesting to see the illustrator continue this path. The jury recommends that Hrdlička not lose this sense of discovery and immediacy in the final project.
Levou Zadní/ Mariana Tutschová
The jury found this to be a charming and inventive approach to illustrating figures of speech. It’s difficult to create a narrative based on such a seemingly didactic idea, but the artist achieved this with fully realized, nicely animated characters that are both familiar and fresh, cute but believable. The work is informative, even as it tells a clear, simple story. The illustrations are a simple and elegant mix of detailed line drawings and watercolor. The jury appreciated what they considered to be a nearly finished project.
Čmuk/ David Dolenský & Lukáš Csiecsely
Antic drawing, sure, crisp, compositions and a good use of limited color made this a favorite of the jury, and we felt it would be equally seductive to a young reader. The artist succeeded in creating a strange and interesting visual world. Though the jury understood that the smaller format pencil drawings in the second half of the book were only meant as roughs for the finished images, we felt that there might be promise in considering using some of them as they are in the final version. The jury looks forward to seeing the rest of the images developed, but also felt that the text needs some attention.