An original book for children, 2013

M. Šašek Foundation award winners for 2013 announced

For 2013 the Šašek Foundation invited applications for grants to be awarded to three authors  (total amount 300.000,-Kč) in the category 'Original book for children or young people (text and illustrations)'. Grant applications were submitted by twenty-three authors from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.
Based on recommendations put forward by a panel of experts comprising Prof. Henning Wagenbreth (Germany, chairman), Grazka Lange (Poland), Bernard Granger, better known as Blexbolex (France), Olga Černá (Czech republic), the Miroslav Šašek Foundation committee has decided to award grants to the following five authors (titles of winning publications in brackets):

100.000,-Kč  Alžběta Zemanová („P. jede na prázdniny“)
75.000,-Kč    Nikola Hoření („Kéž by aneb Kniha tužeb“)
75.000,-Kč    Dora Dutková (without a title)
25.000,-Kč    Tereza Říčanová („Psí knížka“)
25.000,-Kč    Eva Maceková, Mikuláš Brázda („“Krutoraketa doktora Lutro-Futra“)

The results were announced on 4th October 2013 at the Tabook small publishers' festival in Tábor, where a small exhibition of awarded works was also assembled.

The Committee would like to thank all those authors who participated in this year's competition, offers its congratulations to the winning authors, and is very much looking forward to being able to support the production of literature for children with similar projects in future years.

the jury final report here